Sher Wagyu Grazing
Wagyu cattle are grass fed until 18 months of age on Victorian & Riverina farms
Fullblood and Crossbred cattle are grazed on Victorian & Riverina pastures until 18 months of age, then moved onto an exclusive, specially formulated barley-based ration for 400-500+ days.
The main two grazing properties are at Ballan in central Victoria and in the Tallangatta Valley, NE Victoria, Australia. Cattle are also grazed on a number of other farms in Victoria & Riverina under backgrounding arrangements with Beefcorp, supervised by Leigh Bradbury, Beefcorp Operations Manager.
The spread of different properties is ideal to manage variations in seasons such as rainfall and pasture growth. The grazing stage is very important in development and growing out the cattle to the correct weight and age before moving on to the ration.

The grazing stage is very important in development
and growing out the cattle to the correct weight and age.
and growing out the cattle to the correct weight and age.